Scent Tips

1. Professional trappers know quality scents. I don’t know of any who buy their lures and scents at Wal-Mart. I also suggest you shy away from mass produced, poor quality, discount-chain-sold buck scents.

2. Estrus scents will attract bucks prior to the peak of the rut. Bucks are interested and will respond during the pre-rut – The peak of the pre-rut is the best time to use deer attractants.

  • Don’t be afraid to use our estrus deer, bear, moose or elk lures early in your season prior to the breeding season. They are all formulated lures that elicit responses from the sexual, natural, and curiosity urges. Our lures work approximately 4-5 weeks prior to the peak rutting period in your area.
  • Watch out for urine-tupe scents that come in Amber (dark) bottles. Some scent companies package their products in these bottles to keep you from seeing inside. (Water mixed with household ammonia doesn’t look like urine!)
  • Odorless disposable hand warmers placed in a clean sock or nylon stocking will keep scents fluid and give you more luring distance in freezing temperatures. NOTE: If you want to order our attractants, I suggest ordering early because some of our big game lures are in short supply and I’ll run out before I will substitute lower quality ingredients. When one of my products is gone, it’s gone until next year. Please order early.

3. I feel straight doe deer urine (non-estrus) is the poorest deer scent you can use to attract bucks. I have found it gives a “so what” response in the many years of research that I have done. Regular, non-estrus doe urine is what most “heat” urine type buck lures sold today are. no wonder there is so much confusion and mixed results with hunting with scents. Straight doe urine that is labeled “heat” urine will not arouse sexual urges. False advertising and gimmicks have damaged the credibility of many scent manufacturers.

4. Our lure materials are “aging” in bulk containers during the winter and spring months. We take orders for later shipping throughout the year. If you have a delay in receiving your order during these months, please be patient.